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    Thursday, March 13, 2014

    Get a free renewed hour of calls for 3 months [Limited]

    Today I bringing to you a new offer, only for Free TUTS visitors, this new offer is to get a free renewed hour of calls to 40 country, this offer is brought to you by Libon.

    What is Libon?

    Libon is a mobile service designed to improve the communication we have with the people who matter, via our mobile phone.
    Libon is an application 3 in 1 which provides free calls, chat and a voicemail that can do everything.
    The  Libon service is developped by Orange VallĂ©e, the subsidiary in charge of innovation and development of the Orange Group.
    Set up in 2008, Orange Valley aims to identify new needs and new technological uses to develop innovative services accessible to all users regardless of their mobile operator or their internet access provider.
    Orange S.A.
    The Libon service is published by Orange S.A, a capital of 10 595 541 532€, whose headquarters are 8 rue Olivier de Serres 75015 Paris and registered on the register of companies and commerce in Paris under the number 380 129 866.

    With this offer you can get a free hour of calls to 40 country supported by the application.
    When you finish your hour, you have to wait until the next moth to get your next free hours, this offer is working for  months, and you must get it before it ends in the 31 march 2014.
    Note that this application for both of Andoird and iOS.

    First download the application : from here!.
    Install it on your phone, and open it:

    Fill out with your credentials, and be careful! Your email and phone number must be valid.

    Now wait for the creation of your account.

    Confirm your email and return to the application:

    Now what your have to do is, enter your phone number and click on the button : "receive the code via phone", you'll receive a call that tell you with your activation code, enter it and press "Validate".

    Congratulation now with your activated account, and your free limited premium account!
    Don't waste your time and get more offers from Free TUTS

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    Item Reviewed: Get a free renewed hour of calls for 3 months [Limited] Rating: 5 Reviewed By: RSEM
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