An error caused the social networking site (Twitter) to reset the passwords of thousands for accounts of users, informational error that occurred last night caused some chaos .
It was thousands of Twitter users had reached e-mails from Twitter telling them reset the password for their accounts on the social networking site , prompting them to believe that their accounts have been exposed to piracy which was denied by Twitter confirmed that any of the accounts of users or their data profile was not exposed to piracy .
Twitter has been issued a statement in which I talked about this informational error : (we've mistakenly send notifications related to reset passwords because of an error at the level of our systems , and we apologize for the affected users for this inconvenience .)
Nevertheless, many of the analysts talking about the hypothesis of an attempt to penetrate systems and servers, and Twitter is the probability remains improbable , especially with the company not to give additional information or the number of users who are touched by this error.
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