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    Thursday, April 17, 2014

    Access a computer from an Android smartphone with Chrome Remote Desktop

    Google has published in its Play Store, a mobile version of its remote access solution. A version for iPhone and iPad is also planned.
    Since 2011, Google has a solution for remote access to a Windows, Mac or Linux computer, called Chrome Remote Desktop. Just for this, install a plugin in its Chrome browser. Now, this manipulation is also possible from a smartphone or Android tablet. Google has released a Chrome Remote Desktop app on its shop Play Store, free of course. She was BetaTest for a few days already.

    For remote access to work, you must install this application on mobile terminal and the Chrome plugin on the computer in question. The iOS fans should not be left on the roadside. A version for iPhone and iPad is also planned, by the end of the year.

    You can download the application from this link from Google Play, install it and follow the instructions?
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