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    Sunday, August 4, 2013

    How to make your programs operate in subtle on Windows

    Hi Every one on Free TUTS

    You may move away from the computer for some of the time but not willing to leave the programs that you operate them shown on the screen of Windows because you're afraid if some one in home touch them.

    So today I'm bringing to you a small app which do this to you.

    NCS WinVisible helps you to make you desired programs hidden from the screen of the windows, the cool features of this small app are: you can hide all or custom programs that you choose them, furthermore it hides it self so that the obtrusive have no chance to futility with your programs.

    This app with about 500Kb, let's you with some pre-defined keyboard shortcuts to show and hide the NCS WinVisible app, and also you can choose shortcuts with your wishes.

    Takte a look at the App:

    The using of this app is very easy, Just After Downloading the App from this link: NCS WinVisivble and installing it, a window will appear to you like shown above, you'll find all the running programs, to hide them just check the black box on the left of the program after that click on the icon with the orange arrow to hide the checked Apps.

    To show the App all what you have to do is clicking of the icon with the green arrow.

    To choose your custom Hotkeys to show up and hide the App All what you have to do is, click on the setting Icon which  is between the heart and the forbidden Icons, after that to go to the "Hotkey" Tab, The first one is to hide the programs and the second one is to show them.

    To make the NCS WinVisible run with the windows just the "Start NCS WinVisibl e when windows starts" also it's recommended to check "Automatically check new processes" so that you won't restart the app to select the new running programs, Then Click on "Save".

    NCS WinVisible is compatible with : XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, and in my opinion it's the best app of it's scope.

    Here's now, we've finished our post today, hope you enjoy it guys, and don't be shy to share all what you like in my blog, See Yah ^_^, Saif Lacrimosa.
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    Item Reviewed: How to make your programs operate in subtle on Windows Rating: 5 Reviewed By: RSEM
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