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    Wednesday, March 12, 2014

    Leaked photos of HTC M8, two cameras in the backend

    A few days after the show Taiwanese company HTC smart phone to the new HTC M8 and exactly who will be present on March 25, was leaked document with images shows that the new phone HTC M8 will come with two cameras in the backend.

    Document leaked bt site GSM Arena, quoting one of the telecommunications companies of Australia, a company (Telstra), which will offer a special presentation by HTC M8, publication reveals a number of features of the new phone, including the characteristic sound that appeared in the first phone promo video  (BoomSound), the new property in this phone is duo cameras in the backend of the phone.

    The new property will make the phone HTC M8 to become a real force in the field of taking pictures for smart phones to compete with the number of phones known quality images, especially Nokia with its Refocus property, Duo Camera will allow the user HTC M8 to take pictures with high resolution as it would allow the addition of 3D technology effects.
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